
How To Get WhatsApp Plus on iPhone

How To Get WhatsApp Plus on iPhone

WhatsApp Plus is a modified version of the popular messaging app WhatsApp, which allows users to access additional features and customization options. If you’re an iPhone user looking to enhance your WhatsApp experience, you may be wondering how to get WhatsApp Plus on your device.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of installing WhatsApp Plus on a jailbroken iPhone, as well as give an overview of some of the features and potential risks associated with using this modified app. Whether you’re looking to add a personal touch to your WhatsApp chats or want more control over your privacy settings, WhatsApp Plus may be worth considering. But be aware of the potential risks before making the decision.


A. Jailbroken iPhone 

B. Cydia app installed

The first step in getting WhatsApp Plus on your iPhone is making sure you have a jailbroken device. Jailbreaking an iPhone allows you to install apps and modifications that are not available through the official Apple App Store. Once your iPhone is jailbroken, you’ll also need to have the Cydia app installed. Cydia is an alternative app store for jailbroken devices that gives you access to a wide range of modified apps and tweaks.

Installing WhatsApp Plus requires that your device has been jailbroken and Cydia app installed, so if you haven’t done this yet, you’ll need to take care of that before moving on to the next step. You can jailbreak your iPhone using jailbreak tools such as Unc0ver, Chimera or Checkra1n. Keep in mind that jailbreaking your device can void your warranty and may cause issues with your device’s functionality.

Once you’ve jailbroken your iPhone and installed Cydia, you’re ready to move on to the next step of installing WhatsApp Plus.

Installation Steps

A. Add WhatsApp Plus repository to Cydia 

B. Install WhatsApp Plus from the repository 

C. Verify installation and configure settings

Once your iPhone is jailbroken and you have Cydia installed, you can begin the process of installing WhatsApp Plus. The first step is to add the WhatsApp Plus repository to Cydia. This is a collection of files and resources that will allow you to download and install WhatsApp Plus on your device.

To add the repository, open Cydia and go to the “Sources” section. Click on “Edit” and then “Add”. A pop-up window will appear, where you will have to enter the repository URL. Some of the repositories where you can find WhatsApp Plus are: http://repo.xarold.comhttp://apt.imokhles.comhttp://repo.hackyouriphone.org. Once you’ve added the repository, Cydia will refresh and you’ll be able to see the WhatsApp Plus package.

The next step is to install WhatsApp Plus from the repository. Go to the repository that you’ve added and search for WhatsApp Plus. Click on the package to start the installation process. Cydia will automatically download and install the files necessary for WhatsApp Plus to work on your device.

After installation, you can verify the installation by going to your iPhone’s home screen and checking for WhatsApp Plus icon, also you can configure the settings. Some of the settings you might want to look at include: customizing your theme, adjusting your privacy settings, and setting up your media sharing limit.

It’s important to note that WhatsApp Plus is not officially supported by WhatsApp and can be risky. Be sure to read and understand the risks before installing and using WhatsApp Plus.

Features of WhatsApp Plus

A. Customizable themes and color schemes 

B. Increased privacy options 

C. Increased media sharing limit 

D. Additional emoticons and stickers

One of the main reasons people choose to use WhatsApp Plus is for the additional features and customization options it offers.

Some of the key features of WhatsApp Plus including:

A. Customizable themes and color schemes: WhatsApp Plus allows you to customize the look and feel of your WhatsApp chats by applying different themes and color schemes. You can choose from a wide variety of pre-made themes or even create your own.

B. Increased privacy options: WhatsApp Plus also offers a number of additional privacy options, such as the ability to hide your online status and last seen, as well as the ability to protect your chats with a passcode.

C. Increased media sharing limit: WhatsApp Plus allows you to share larger files and more media than the standard WhatsApp app, making it easier to share photos, videos, and other files with your contacts.

D. Additional emoticons and stickers: WhatsApp Plus also includes a wide range of additional emoticons and stickers, allowing you to express yourself in new ways in your chats.

It’s important to keep in mind that these features are not officially supported by WhatsApp, and that using WhatsApp Plus may put your account at risk of being banned. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks before making the decision to use WhatsApp Plus.

Potential Risks

A. WhatsApp Plus is not officially supported by WhatsApp B. Risk of account ban C. Risk of security vulnerabilities

When considering using WhatsApp Plus, it’s important to understand the potential risks involved. Here are some of the key risks to keep in mind:

A. WhatsApp Plus is not officially supported by WhatsApp: WhatsApp Plus is a third-party modification of the WhatsApp app, and is not officially supported by WhatsApp. This means that if you encounter any issues while using WhatsApp Plus, you will not be able to receive official support or assistance from WhatsApp.

B. Risk of account ban: WhatsApp has a strict policy against using third-party modifications and has been known to ban users who are found to be using WhatsApp Plus. This means that if you use WhatsApp Plus, your account may be at risk of being banned, and you may lose access to all of your chats, contacts, and other data.

C. Risk of security vulnerabilities: WhatsApp Plus has not undergone the same level of testing and security review as the official WhatsApp app. This means that there may be security vulnerabilities in WhatsApp Plus that could put your device and personal information at risk.

To minimize the risk of account ban and security vulnerabilities, it’s important to only download WhatsApp Plus from trusted sources and to keep the app updated to the latest version. Also, be sure to read the terms of service and privacy policy of WhatsApp Plus.

It’s also recommended to make a backup of your chats and data before installing WhatsApp Plus and to use a strong passcode to protect your device.


In conclusion, WhatsApp Plus is a modified version of the WhatsApp app that offers additional features and customization options. However, as WhatsApp Plus is not officially supported by WhatsApp, using it can put your account at risk of being banned and your device at risk of security vulnerabilities. Before deciding to use WhatsApp Plus, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to only download it from trusted sources. It’s also advisable to make a backup of your chats and data, and use a passcode to protect your device. Be sure to read the terms of service and privacy policy of WhatsApp Plus.

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