
Discord IP Resolver – How To Find IP On Discord

Discord IP Resolver

Discord is widely used for a variety of purposes, including voice and video chats and online gaming. It’s a fun way to meet new people and competes with those you know all across the world. The need to discover a user’s IP address in Discord arises for a number of reasons.

This is where a Discord IP resolver comes into play. A Discord IP resolver is a tool that helps to determine the IP address of a user on Discord.

Explore the best ways to find IP addresses on Discord, including using different Discord IP Resolver tools and Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac). Discuss the safety concerns and legal implications of using a Discord IP resolver and provide tips for staying safe. 

What is Discord IP Resolver

A Discord IP resolver is a tool that allows users to determine the IP address of other users on the Discord platform. This tool connects to Discord’s servers and retrieves information about a specific user, including their IP address.

Users can take various actions with this information, such as blocking or reporting a user for inappropriate behavior.

How does it work?

Discord IP resolvers work by utilizing the APIs provided by Discord.These APIs provide access to information about the users, servers, and channels within the Discord platform. 

The Discord IP resolver tool connects to the APIs and retrieves the necessary information, including the IP address of the specified user. This information is then displayed to the user who requested it.

What are the common use cases?

Several reasons a user might want to use a Discord IP resolver. Some common use cases include:

  • To report or block a user who is engaging in inappropriate behavior
  • To determine the location of a user for security purposes
  • To resolve connection issues оr network-related problems within Discord

How to find IP on Discord

There are a few different ways to find the IP address of a user on Discord. However, here are three common ways:

  1. Using Discord IP Resolver Tools: Many online tools can be used to resolve IP addresses on Discord. Some popular tools include Wireshark, Whois, and IP Tracker. These tools connect to Discord’s servers and retrieve the necessary information about a specific user.
  2. Using Command Prompt (Windows): Windows users can also use the Command Prompt to find the IP address of a user on Discord. This technique uses the “ping” command followed by the Discord username. The resulting output will include the IP address of the user.
  3. Using Terminal (Mac): Mac users can use the Terminal to find the IP address of a user on Discord, similarly to Command Prompt on Windows. The “ping” command can be used, followed by the Discord username, and the resulting output will include the user’s IP address.

Best Discord IP Resolvers Tools

Several Discord IP Resolver tools are available online, each with its own features and limitations.

Here’s a comparison of some of the best Discord IP Resolver tools:

  1. Wireshark: Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer that can be used to resolve IP addresses on Discord. It offers a comprehensive set оf features and is highly customizable.
  2. Whois: Whois is a simple and straightforward Discord IP Resolver tool that provides basic information about a user’s IP address, including their location and network information.
  3. IP Tracker: IP Tracker is a tool that provides more detailed information about a user’s IP address, including their hostname and browser information.

Each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the user’s specific needs. If you’re looking for detailed information about a user’s IP address, IP Tracker may be the best choice. 

Safety concerns when using Discord IP Resolver

If you’re looking to find the IP address of a user on Discord, here’s a step-by-step guide on how tо use a Discord IP Resolver tool:

  1. Choose a Discord IP Resolver tool: There are many online tools, so choose one that best suits your needs. Some popular tools include Wireshark, Whois, and IP Tracker.
  2. Enter the Discord username: If you’ve chosen your tool, enter the Discord username of the user whose IP address you want to find.
  3. Initiate the resolution process: Most Discord IP Resolver tools will have a button or link that you can click to initiate the resolution process. Click this button оr link to begin the process.
  4. Wait for the results: The resolution process may take a few seconds to a minute, depending on the tool and the speed of your internet connection. If the process is complete, the tool will display the results, including the user’s IP address.
  5. Review the results: Carefully review them tо ensure they are accurate and relevant. Some tools may provide additional information, such as the user’s location and network information.


Find a user’s IP address with the use of a Discord IP resolver tool. There is a wide variety of tools tо choose from, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages; pick the one that is most suitable for your purposes. An IP resolver for Discord can be used in a couple of simple steps. Use caution when utilizing a Discord IP resolver tool, and think about the consequences of gaining access to this data.

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