
How To Hide Friends on Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos, videos, and stories with their followers. In addition to these public-facing features, Instagram also has several social features that allow users to interact with each other. One such feature is the ability to follow and be followed by other users, which allows users to see each other’s content in their feed. 

However, there may be times when you want to hide certain friends on Instagram, either for privacy reasons or to declutter your feed. In this article, we’ll explain why you might want to hide friends on Instagram and provide step-by-step instructions on how to do sо. We’ll also share some advanced tips for managing your hidden friends list and using Instagram’s privacy settings to your advantage.

Why You Might Want to Hide Friends on Instagram

You might want to hide friends on Instagram for а few different reasons. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Privacy concerns: If you have a private Instagram account, you may want to carefully curate the list of people who can see your content. Hiding friends on Instagram can help you ensure that only people you trust have access to your photos and videos.
  2. Decluttering your feed: If you follow many accounts, your Instagram feed can quickly become cluttered with content from people you don’t interact with frequently. Hiding friends on Instagram can help you declutter your feed and see content from the accounts you care about most.
  3. Reducing distractions: If you’re spending too much time on Instagram, hiding friends with less interesting or engaging content can help you reduce distractions and focus on the accounts that matter most to you.

Regardless of the reason, hiding friends on Instagram can be a useful tool for managing your social media experience and preserving your privacy online. In the next section, we’ll show you how to hide friends on Instagram so you can take control of your feed and your privacy.

How to Hide Friends on Instagram

Here’s how to hide friends on Instagram:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap on the “Following” tab.
  4. Find the account you want to hide and tap on the three dots to the right of their name.
  5. Tap on “Hide from My Profile.
  6. Confirm that you want to hide the account by tapping “Hide.”

That’s аll there is to it! The account you selected will now be hidden from your profile, and its content will no longer appear in your feed. To view or unhide hidden accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on the “Following” tab.
  3. Tap on the “Hidden” tab.
  4. Find the account you want to unhide and tap on the three dots to the right of their name.
  5. Tap on “Unhide from My Profile.
  6. Confirm that you want to unhide the account by tapping “Unhide.”

Managing your hidden friends list can be a useful way to control the content you see on Instagram аnd protect your privacy. In the next section, we’ll share some advanced tips for hiding friends on Instagram and using Instagram’s privacy settings to your advantage.

Advanced Tips for Hiding Friends on Instagram

There are a few other ways you can use Instagram’s privacy settings to control the content you see and who can see your content:

  1. Use Instagram’s “Close Friends” feature: Instagram’s “Close Friends” feature allows you to create a private list of friends whose content you want to see first in your feed. To use this feature:
  • Open the Instagram app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on the “Close Friends” option under “Following.”
  • Tap the “Add” button to add friends to your Close Friends list.
  1. Block or mute specific accounts: If you want to completely block an account from interacting with you on Instagram, you can use the “Block” or “Mute” options. To block an account:
  • Go to the account’s profile page.
  • Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on “Block” and confirm that you want to block the account.

To mute an account:

  • Go to the account’s profile page.
  • Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Tap on “Mute” and confirm that you want to mute the account.
  1. Use third-party apps to manage your Instagram activity: Several third-party apps can help you manage your Instagram activity and protect your privacy. For example, you can use an app to hide posts from certain accounts or schedule posts for later.

Using these advanced tips allows you to take even greater control over your Instagram experience and protect your privacy online. In the next section, we’ll wrap up this article with a few final thoughts on hiding friends on Instagram.


Hiding friends on Instagram can be useful for managing your social media experience and protecting your privacy. Whether you want to declutter your feed, reduce distractions, or control who can see your content, hiding friends on Instagram is a simple process that can help you achieve your goals. We hope this article has been helpful and that you’ll feel more confident using Instagram’s privacy settings to your advantage.

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