
Fix For: Instagram Not Sending SMS Code

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Has Instagram ever failed to send you a verification code via SMS when you needed it most, as when creating or logging into an account? Many consumers may find this annoying, especially in times of crisis. 

Learn the most typical explanations for this issue and get a detailed plan for fixing it. Review several backup plans for getting the SMS code if the troubleshooting measures don’t work. 

You should better know how to fix the problem and get back to utilizing Instagram without any more difficulty.

Causes of the problem

Several common causes can prevent Instagram from sending an SMS code. Some of the most common causes are:

  1. Network issues: If your network connection is weak or unstable, Instagram may be unable to send the SMS code to your device.
  2. Incorrect phone number: If you have entered an incorrect phone number, Instagram cannot send the SMS code tо the right device.
  3. Phone number restrictions: Some countries may have restrictions on receiving SMS messages, which could result in Instagram being unable to send the SMS code.
  4. Phone number blocked by Instagram: If your phone number has been flagged or blocked by Instagram, they may be unable to send the SMS code to your device.
  5. SMS blocking by carrier: Some carriers may block SMS messages from certain numbers оr services, which could result in Instagram being unable to send the SMS code.

Troubleshooting steps

If you are facing the issue of not receiving an SMS code from Instagram, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check network connection: Ensure your device has a strong and stable network connection. Try restarting your device and checking for any updates available for your device or network.
  2. Verify phone number: Double-check that you have entered the correct phone number in your Instagram account. If you have made a mistake, correct it and try again.
  3. Use a different phone number: If you cannot receive the SMS code in your current phone number, try using a different phone number. This will help you determine if the issue is with your device or phone number.
  4. Contact Instagram support: If you have tried all the above steps and can still not receive the SMS code, you can contact Instagram support for further assistance. They may be able to resolve the issue or provide additional troubleshooting steps.
  5. Wait for a while: Sometimes, there may be a temporary issue with Instagram’s servers or the SMS system. In such cases, waiting a while before trying again may resolve the issue.

Alternative methods

In case the troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue of not receiving an SMS code from Instagram, you can try the following alternative methods:

  1. Use a voice call: Instead of аn SMS code, Instagram can also provide a voice call to verify your account. 
    • Open the Instagram app and go to the login or sign-up page.
    • Tap on “Get help signing in” or “Get help with your account.”
    • Select “Use a different verification method.”
    • Tap on “Call me” and follow the instructions provided by Instagram.
  1. Use a third-party authentication app: You can use a third-party authentication app such as Google Authenticator to receive the verification code. 
    • Install the Google Authenticator app on your device.
    • Open the Instagram app and gо to the login or sign-up page.
    • Tap on “Get help signing in” or “Get help with your account.”
    • Select “Use a third-party app.”
    • Scan the QR code displayed in the Instagram app using the Google Authenticator app.
    • Enter the code generated by the Google Authenticator app into Instagram.

Some options may or may not bе accessible depending on your location and the type of device you’re using. You may need to contact Instagram’s support team for further assistance in such a circumstance.


The inability to get an Instagram SMS verification code can be annoying, but it can be fixed. You can try several things to fix the problem and get back to using Instagram as soon аs possible, including checking your network connection, verifying your phone number, trying a different phone number, contacting Instagram support, and using a voice call or third-party authentication app. 

Never use a different strategy before ensuring your phone number and network connection.

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