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5 Beauty Trends To Look Out For In 2024

5 Beauty Trends To Look Out For In 2024

These days, TikTok beauty trends are everywhere. Due to its short and easily digested video content, this social media platform has emerged as a significant influencer for new trends in skincare, haircare, and cosmetics.

It’s tempting to follow every trend that emerges since so many people are talking about them. However, heed this word of warning: it’s critical to approach social media trends with caution. A beauty hack may not always be safe or effective just because it has thousands of views.

Having said that, we’ve done the research to identify the TikTok beauty trends that are really worthy of the fanfare. These TikTok tricks, which range from heatless curls to advice on reapplying sunscreen, might really make your beauty regimen easier and more effective.

Heatless Curls

With an astounding 6.5 billion views, the heatless curl hairdo trend is very popular. You may try it out with a variety of options offered on the site. The fundamental concept is to use a dressing gown cord or a heatless curler to wrap your wet hair for added social media flare. After that, you either leave the style in throughout the day while working from home or sleep with it overnight, and presto! You may wake up to waves that are gorgeously springy.

Skin Cycling

Skin cycling isn’t a particularly new trend dermatologists have been recommending it for decades but social media deserves some of the credit for raising awareness of it. This is true of many TikTok beauty fads. What’s that? This is a way to lessen the irritability of common skincare actives like exfoliating acids and retinoids. Use your retinoid one night and your exfoliant the next, and then take two days off to recover and concentrate on moisturizing and calming products. This is the premise behind cyclical skincare. Proceed again after that.

Makeup Skincare Hybrids

Glowing skin is a popular TikTok trend these days; it’s a bright, glowing appearance that appears to have a new moniker every week. It may go by the hashtags #glasskin, #glazeddoughnutskin, or the newest, #quietluxurymakeup. But the concept is simple, regardless of the hashtag. This ‘no makeup’ look gives your skin a natural sheen, highlighting your freckles and true skin tone while giving the appearance of healthy, hydrated skin.

Beauty Sponging

Everyone knows how important SPF protection is for skin health (particularly if you’ve perused the CF website’s skincare section). But many of us avoid doing so since it may be a pain to reapply sunscreen over makeup. Thankfully, TikTok offers a fix. According to Kam Gregory, the trick is to put sunscreen over your foundation with a dry sponge (she likes a Beauty blender).

Hair Plopping And The Bowl Method

Is your hair type something you really know? Questioned TikTok. The #bowlmethod movement, which has been changing our curls ever since was born out of that query. You wash your hair, apply curl cream, then turn it upside down and plunge it into a dish repeatedly. This may seem a little strange. What was the outcome? More moisture, less frizz, and well-defined curls even for those whose hair is inherently frizzy. The #hairplopping movement has also altered hair care regimens. Drying with plops enhances your curls and minimizes frizz and fly aways. Drying your damp hair with a cotton T-shirt rather than a scratchy towel is as simple as that.

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